Brewzzzy Cans
Multi-Page Realty Brochure
Cosmic Conquest
Poet's Posters
JK Improv
Brewzzzy Cans
Brewzzzy Cans

To commemorate their union, the client wanted specialty cans printed for their celebration.
Design, artwork, custom typography, and title treatment were all created after being provided a story of the couple’s relationship.

Multi-Page Realty Brochure
Multi-Page Realty Brochure

The client had multiple commercial properties and required a concise, templated design where visuals and information would be switched out per property. It was key to provide information clearly and maintain their brand identity.

Cosmic Conquest
Cosmic Conquest

An improvised serial Sci-Fi show based on old interstellar science fiction television shows.

Poet's Posters
Poet's Posters

A local poet requested excerpts of their poetry to be given a type treatment to help decorate their home.

JK Improv
JK Improv

A two person improv group which performed a modified Harold. The two performers requested an alteration to their logo reminiscent of the late 80s/early 90s.